Create a Flawless Face in under ten minutes



Let’s face it, we are all busy, especially during the week when we’re getting ourselves and our kids ready for school and work.  Really, when do we have time to put on a full face of makeup with highlight and contour, and all of the other Instagram-famous makeup trends? Truth is, we don’t.  At least I do not.  However, I’m a firm believer in keeping up appearances whether it’s just by adding a little mascara, lipstick or lip gloss.  I’ve also found that with just a few essential products, anyone can create a flawless face in under ten minutes.

I’ve put together this list of products you or anyone else can use to create a flawless face in under ten minutes.

Products used to Create a Flawless Face in Under ten Minutes

Sidebar: I know I don’t have to say this, or maybe I do, but please, please remember whenever you’re applying makeup to make sure you’re applying it over clean, moisturized skin.  I can hear an oily girl saying, “Well, my skin is oily, I don’t need moisturizer.” That’s false. Oil and moisture are completely different things. Just take my advice and moisturized. Your skin will love you.

Now back to the list of products to create a flawless face in under ten minutes.


Create a Flawless Face in ten minutes or less _Pictorial


If you have discoloration, the best way to create a flawless face in under ten minutes, is by correcting any dark or red areas (under your eyes, blemishes, pimples), and then add concealer.  Make sure you blend, blend, and blend some more!

Foundation and/or Powder

Next, I follow up with my favorite foundation and/or powder. You can see what my favorites are for winter in my previous winter beauty staples post. Unless it’s that time of the month, I, for the most part opt to only apply the MAC Mineralize Skinfinish Natural in shade ‘Dark’.  Afterwards, my skin looks amazingly natural, and polished.


To bring my face back to life, and add some dimension, I apply bronzer.  I’ve been using the Guerlain Terracotta Bronzing Powder (Shade #7 for the last six months).


You do not need to add eye shadow, at least in my opinion, in order to create a flawless face in under 10 minutes.  Just curl your lashes and apply your favorite mascara.  You may line your eyes if you need/want to should time permit.

Brow product

I’ve said this numerous times, and I’ll say it again… I do not leave my house without my brows done. My favorite product has been the Anastasia Dip Brow used with an angled liner brush.  Sorry, you won’t find the Instagram-famous concealed, block brow here.

Lip product

After applying your favorite lip product, either plain gloss, a stain, or your favorite lipstick (I’m wearing ‘Rebel’ by MAC), you can congratulate yourself because you have successfully created a flawless face in under ten minutes.

Create a Flawless Face in Under 10 Minutes _ Before after

This look was simple to do, and as I promised, it took me under ten minutes to create it.  I don’t look like I’m wearing a ton of makeup; it’s a more refined, and polished me.

Have you perfected the art of how to create a flawless face in under ten minutes? If so, what do you use?

27 Comments on Create a Flawless Face in Under Ten Minutes

  1. I wouldn't say I perfected it, but I feel like I've done my face routine so many times, I can almost do it with my eyes closed. A concealer is a must for me, because I have dark circles naturally 🙂
    My recent post What's In My Bag?

    • Thank you, Allison! I really appreciate it. I honestly look forward to your comments because you're always so sweet!

    • Thank you, Caprece 🙂 I'm cheesing right now. LOL Practice definitely makes perfect. Yup! You can even add eyeliner or lashes if you want a more dramatic look.

  2. love that! my less than 10 min face is fill in my brows (i need your help to find a good brow pencil), put some concealer under my eyes add a little bronzer, then blush and finish it with plain ole chap stick with a redish lip gloss.

  3. Such a quick routine! I haven't perfected it yet though, I'm not a morning person and have issues concentrating while doing my makeup before work!

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