I got another calgel manicure for my friends wedding. My first one was done at the International Beauty Show in May 2010. I did love it. The reason it took me a long time to get another one was because at Sakura, and another salon that does it charged a lot of money, and the locations were too far. My cousin told me about a place, Pure Nail Salon, she goes to. It is closer, but still a bit out of the way. On her recommendation, amongst the many good reviews on Yelp.com I ended up going to Pure Nail.

For my next calgel manicure, I envisioned something fun, and not too plain like my first one was, but since this was for a wedding, I got what a nice light pink with some “bling”. It isn’t too plain, but, I think it was appropriate enough. Next time, I want something with more color and designs.

By no means is Pure Nail salon fancy. If you do go, just keep that in mind. It cost me $40 for my calgel manicure, which had gradation and an accent nail. It has been a week since my manicure and it looks just as good as the day I got it done. I would say it was money well spent.
Pure Nail Salon is located at
927 Fulton Street Brooklyn, NY 11238
(718) 638-6394
They are open weekdays as late as 7/8:00 PM, as well as Sunday