Makeup By Kim Porter


The Blog

Beyonce in Telephone Tutorial

I did the tutorial for this look. You can find it here.  Don’t forget to rate & comment.  

Also, I uploaded a NEW Summer Neutral Look Tutorial on youtube click here to access it.

If you hae any looks you’d like to see me do, please do not hesitate to contact me. That goes for questions too. I will end up doing a FAQ post soon, so email me or post your questions in the comments section.

Thank you,


I've been given another blog award!!! This is GREAT!

First, I’d like to thank Mari at Makeup by Mari  for giving me this award.  I really, really appreciate it.

I love your blog award Rules:
1. Post the award on your blog
2. Link the person who has given you the award
3. Pass this award to 7 other blogs you’ve newly discovered
4. Rememer to contact the bloggers you’ve nominated.

Here are the blogs I’m passing this to
1. Latonya – Face Splash Makeup
2. Tinuke – Expressive Makeup
3. Laura – The Creepy Princess
4. silhouettescreams
5.  Glowing Face
6.  Princess Lisax
7. Eve – Lovely Makeup

Dove Beauty Bar

Over the past few weeks I re-discovered Dove’s Beauty Bar.  I say re-discovered since I used to use it as a child when my skin wouldn’t tolerate harsh soaps like Lever 2000, Irish Spring, Zest etc.  Dove never broke me out or dried my skin.  Recently, I have been having breakouts on my forehead & the Proactiv didn’t even help.  Of course, I made an appointment with my dermatologist, but the day of my appointment, it SNOWED, so the office ended up cancelling my appointment. This reminds me I have to make another one. 

Anyway, I started using Dove’s beauty bar (white bar soap).  I kid you not, this stuff has been working well with my skin.  I use it as a cleanser, and I use it to remove my makeup.  My skin did a 180, and it’s back to clear. My skin isn’t dry either.   Check Makeup Alley for reviews.

Here’s proof that it works:  I started using it for a few weeks, and after the bar ran out, I stopped using it.  Since I stopped, I notice I’m breaking out in the same spot again, which means I need to pick up some more!

Dove’s beauty bar can be found at your local drugstore.  You can even try your dollar store too. 

Disclaimer:  Try this at your own risk.  What works for me may not work for everyone else.

My Favorite Scents Series: Whatever Lola Wants… Lola Gets Marc Jacobs Lola Perfume

Last week Wednesday, in the post titled, “My Favorite Scents Series: The Smell of Purple,” I introduced you to one of my favorite “signature” scents, which was Insolence by Guerlain.  This week, I’m going to introduce you to my second “signature” scent, which is Marc Jacobs’ Lola Perfume.

I love Marc Jacobs Lola perfume! I wear it when I want a nice, clean, crisp, fresh & flirty scent.  It’s perfect for daytime.  The only thing about it is I find that it doesn’t last too long.

Isn’t the bottle HOT though?  I purchased the  Marc Jacobs Lola Perfume after seeing promo’s for it one day I was in Bloomingdales in Midtown.  The sales women used the tops of the bottles as accessories; it was in their hair or used as a brouche

I purchased my 3.4 Fl oz bottle of Marc Jacobs Lola Perfume from Sephora using a gift card a friend gave me for my birthday. It was $85.

Next week, I will introduce you to my last “signature” scent. Yes, I saved the best for last.

Don’t forget to checkout my Youtube Channel & subscribe :o)