Makeup By Kim Porter


The Blog

Bare Feet

This post was brought to you by Sailor Wifey.  Check out her blog.

School is out and summer has arrived. Flip flops and open-toe stilettos both beg for beautiful feet. Are your feet ready for the summer?

  • The first step to beautiful feet is a pedicure. If times are hard a home pedicure can be just as good as a spa pedicure.
  1. File and shape your toenails first
  2. Soak your feet in warm water to soften any calluses and/or corns. I prefer my water as hot as I can stand it, but that’s just me. There are plenty of commercial products on the market that promote moisturizing and softening of the feet…they also smell really good. I find that baking soda, some EVOO (extra virgin olive oil), and a few drops of fragrant or essential oil(s) work just as well and are both cheaper and longer lasting.
  3. Remove dead skin. A skin file works well followed by a pumice stone to remove calluses and rough spots. I also like to incorporate a homemade foot scrubs. A simple internet search of foot scrub recipes will leave you with plenty of yummy choices. When my feet are really bad I can’t live without my Be Natural Callus Eliminator found at Sally Beauty Supply.
  4. Apply cuticle softener and gently push cuticles back with a cuticle stick.
  5. Apply a foot cream or lotion. I use my homemade mix of shealoe (whipped shea butter and aloe vera gel). I’ll be uploading a YouTube tutorial on how I create my shealoe soon.
  6. Gently swipe each toenail with alcohol to remove any excess oils and lotions.
  7. Finally paint your toenails. I paint my toenails with the exact same method as my fingernails. Duri Rejuvacote (nail strengthener I can’t live without), base coat, polish, and top coat. Summer polish trends are bold and beautiful. If your more conservative with your hands don’t be afraid rock out your feet and make a daring statement.
Dry Pedicures are a new trend…this article features a spa offering this service, but I definitely think this is something that can be done from the home for those who don’t have a pedicure basin.
  • Hand lotions are not sufficient enough for foot dryness especially during the summer months when your feet are exposed more often than not. Applying a thick coat of Vaseline, any thick cream, or a thin layer of Blue Star Ointment and putting on socks before will work wonders on your feet. Also, don’t forget about sunscreen. Feet are often overlooked when applying sunscreen but skin cancer and sun damage can occur anywhere on your body. Even brown girls need sunscreen so please don’t skip this step.
  • Another tip is to keep a pumice stone and foot scrub in your shower. Some people also swear by the Ped Egg, but that thing tore my feet up so I say use it at your own risk…I don’t recommend it.

To see how Kim Porter does her at home pedicure’s CLICK HERE.

Do you have any special tips and tricks to help maintain your bare feet?

Please comment and share.

Events: Lab Series @ Bloomingdales & Brooklyn Blog Fest

Lab Series is hosting an event at Bloomingdales 59th Street between June 4th & June 10th.  Lab Series for Men will be hosting complimentary grooming services- including aestheticians, shoe shiners and manicurists and if the guys ‘check in” to the Lab Series at Bloomingdale’s Foursquare venue and show it at the counter, they’ll get a free and exclusive Lab Series samples.  Plus, every 10th person who checks in will receive a complimentary full-sized product!

Tuesday, June 8th at 7pm is Brooklyn Blog Fest 2010.  This event is being held at the Brooklyn Lyceum.  It’s been going on since 2005, and is one of the largest blogger events.  Great opportunity for networking & learning ways to improve & promote your blog.  I’m attending with two of my friends who are also bloggers, Janique & Shannon.   I hope to see some of you there (if you live in NYC of course). 

Guest Appearance: Spike Lee!!!

Advance seating in the Lyceum auditorium is “sold out.”

There is room for the overflow crowd upstairs but you will be watching the event on video. Those who wish to sit upstairs should line up at 6:30 PM on the night of the event.

First priority for seating in the auditorium will be given to the people who pre-registered. We will wait until 6:50 PM, for those who pre-registered to show up and then let people from the line take any vacant seats downstairs (if there are any) or go upstairs to the overflow area.

Event: Sassy City Chicks Fashion Bash/Sample Sale

I found out about this event via my friend Janique at Her Goody Bag.  It’s similar to Shecky’s Night Out (if you’re familiar with that). 

Today is the last day for the Sassy City Chicks Fashion Bash in NYC. If you have yet to purchase your tickets you are in luck!. Top Button is running a promotion and you can get a FREE ticket & tote bag filled with goodies and coupons by using the Promo Code: TB at checkout.  Go to to get your free ticket.

If you go, I hope to see you there. If not,, you will read about it here 🙂