I was gifted a Sephora gift card for Christmas. Stumped on what to pick up, I polled one of the beauty blog groups I’m a member of asking them what was worth picking up from Sephora with a $20 budget. The majority of the responses sang the praises of the Too Faced Better than Sex Mascara. This was a great suggestion since I ran out of my Holy Grail (HG) mascara, and I wouldn’t be a good beauty blogger if I didn’t try out new things, right? So off to Sephora I went to pick up the Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara.
Too Faced describes their Better Than Sex Mascara as
Inspired by the curves of a woman’s body, the hourglass-shaped brush was designed with extra stiff bristles to maximize the performance of this carbon black, collagen-fueled formula. One coat and lashes are full and defined. Two coats and lashes are even more luscious, curled, and dramatic. Three coats help you achieve the most intense, black, multidimensional lashes possible.
The Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara, after one coat, I saw a huge difference in my lashes. They seriously looked like a natural pair of false lashes. Well defined, dark black like I like them, and my lashes weren’t clumpy. Two coats, my lashes were vavavoom! So full of volume, but still looked natural. By coat three, my lashes did start to clump together, but didn’t give off the spider lash look, and I could also feel the product on my lashes.
The formula of the Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara is wet, which is how I like my mascaras. With the help of the curved brush, it applies smoothly. Sometimes if a mascara is too wet, I’d have mascara transferring onto my lids, and sometimes my under eye area because it didn’t dry fast enough. However, I didn’t experience this with the Better Than Sex Mascara. And as far as how long I could wear it, after about 5 hours, I didn’t have flaking, but I did notice dark circles around my lower lash line. For some reason, any mascara I use tends to settle there.
Overall, I was impressed with the results I experienced from using the Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara. It definitely rivals my HG mascara giving my lashes the look of natural-looking falsies. I have sensitive eyes, and although I liked the look the Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara gave, my eyes didn’t really like the formula too much. After application, my eyes burned slightly, but it didn’t last long. I’d say the feeling is akin to the sensation one would feel during allergy season; however, I didn’t experience redness of the eyes.
I’d recommend the Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara for those without sensitive eyes, especially if you’re in the market for an intensely black, high-end mascara that adds volume and definition to lashes.
The Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara retails for $23/0.27 oz and can be purchased at Sephora or Sephora.com.