Beauty PR company, Karen Oliver & Associates and Gorgeous on the Go, along with renowned Dermatologist & best-selling author of Stop Aging, Start Living, Dr. Jeanette Graf, put together an amazing event specifically for Beauty Bloggers or ‘beauty influencers’ as they called us. The event took place on the terrace at the Metropolitan Club. Amazing views of the city.
Dr. Graf, during the event spoke about the importance of being healthy from the inside out. She stated that what we put into our bodies affect our pH levels, which affects our skin. If your body is more acidic, your skin tends to breakout more often, and you don’t feel as energized. Dr. Graf also gave pointers from her book Stop Aging, Start Living on how to achieve the optimal pH level, which is by eating foods high in antioxidants, such as fruits and vegetables, especially leafy greens like kale and spinach.
Everyone in attendance received a signed copy of the book, as well as a giftbag filled with products from Glytone, Avene, and Rene Furterer. There was an additional basket filled with hair and skincare products that was raffled off at the end of the night.

Overall, this was an amazing event. I love that the event was made interactive, and each blogger was given a challenge of maintaing a healthy pH, and documenting their results on their blog. The winner will recieve a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Graf, and skincare products customized for their skin type. To help us, we were given a packet of pH tester strips to bring home, along with instructions for the challenge with Stop Aging, Start Living as our guide.
Makeup Artist, K.J. Bennett was also there. Follow him on twitter @KJBennettBeauty
More pictures from the event
Special thanks to Her Goody Bag for taking these pictures for me.
i need to know how to get invited to these events xoxo …..atleast i get to meet u for yagolicious
It was such a nice time…the Karen Oliver & Assoc. folks are great! As I sip my coffee, guess I gotta get on the good foot with the PH challenge 🙂
I have to do it too. I’m going on vacation. I know I’m not going to eat right during it lol. I’ll do it when I get back