I’m like totally obsessed with everything Pumpkin Pie Spice related. Seriously, I think I’ve tried almost every kind of pumpkin pie spice latte, chai tea, donut – you name it, I’ve probably tried it or have wanted it. Last year, when I was on the Belle Butters website about to purchase my Neutralizing Butter for Oily Skin, I came across their Pumpkin Pie Butter. I got a small jar (4 oz), which I regretted immediately since it ran out so quickly (I’m heavy-handed with body products). Since it is a seasonal butter, I was smart about my purchase this Fall and jumped on the 16 oz, which is the largest size. So far, with using it daily, I haven’t nearly made a dent in it.

So far, I’ve tried three of Tasha’s butters. I can say all of them are whipped to fluffy perfection. The texture of this butter is the same as the ones I’ve tried, and I have no issues with it. The Pumpkin Pie Butter blends into the skin easily, and leaves me smelling like a freshly baked pumkin pie (or ginger cookie if my husband were to tell it) all day. The scent is definitely not overwhelming. I love that it just makes me feel warm and happy! Oh, and it leaves my skin feeling super soft, especially when used right out of the shower.
I also purchased a small jar of the Unyevu butter. I use this one on my daughter’s hair and on my hands. It works wonders. The scent wasn’t what I thought it would be, but, it does smell nice and light. I think I expected more of a spicy ginger… oh well.
I would definitely recommend checking out Belle Butter’s there’s something for everyone! Plus, Tasha is just a sweety!
Have you experienced Belle Butters? If so, what are your favorites?
Disclosure: All items mentioned in this post were purchased by me with my own money. All opinions and views are my own and were not influenced by outside sources.