I recently received the 5-piece Make Up For Ever Aqua Eyes Collection as a gift. I was excited because I’ve wanted this set for a long time. It features five .7g waterproof eye pencils in #0L (Mat Black), 21L (Dark grey), 12L (Blue with Green highlights), 4L (Shimmering Plum), and 23L(Champagne).
My thoughts: Goes on smooth & lasts all day. Doesn’t “run” like MAC’s eye khols. It really is waterproof, which is good to use near the waterline.
Pictured left-right: #0L, #21L, #12L, #4L, and 23L
I would definitely buy them. I would like to get the collectors set, but maybe later since it’s $249. Maybe someone
will get that for me too? :o)
***Unfortunately, this set is not being sold anymore on Sephora.com.
FTC Discloser:Products mentioned in this post were purchased by me and I am in no way affiliated with any brands or companies mentioned.
I checked Sephora.com for them, and it’s not even listed on the site anymore; the collector’s set is the only one there. Individual Aqua Eyes liners are $17…
Thank you :o)
I really wanted to get these but I’m trying to do the No Buy thing. Nice review.